Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PLEADING GUILTY (Good Intentions)

I declare myself guilty
Of loving too much
Of unacceptable love
And of murdering others' love
Towards myself

I declare myself guilty
Of deceiving and lying to myself
Of desrespecting my own feelings
And of making things worse
Whenever I tried to make them right

I accept the charges
That I did kill the hearts
Of others and my own
That I murdered beauty and innocence
In others and myself
That I shamefully killed love
In the name of love

However, I beg not for merce nor redemption
I've been doing my sentence
As quietly as I can
43 years have already been done
And many more are expected to come
And many more are expected to come


Anonymous said...

Good Intentions?Oh man,Hell's full of them...hehe
We all kill some hearts and murder beauty and innocence(in others and in ourselves)in our lifetimes,sometimes we can't help it...
Take care,man!

Adrielly Soares said...

DEixa eu te contar um segredo
eu não sei ler em ingles
é segredo